40 Hour Domestic Violence Training Program
What is the 40-hour Training?
The 40-hour Domestic Violence Training Program is an advanced training program for volunteers of the program but also for dedicated professionals in the community seeking to gain knowledge in the field of domestic violence advocacy. The training includes online work, in-class presentations, lecture, media, and case practice.

Topics include but are not limited to:
Defining Domestic Violence, The Affects of Domestic Violence on Children, The Typology of the Male Batterer, History of Domestic Violence and Gender Stereotypes, Mental Health, Trauma, Substance Abuse and Domestic Violence, Communication and Active Listening, Safety Planning, Cultural Competency, Civil Domestic Violence Law, Criminal Domestic Violence Law, Human Trafficking, Sexual Assault, Police Procedures in Domestic Violence, Case Practice, Shadow Calls, and other developing topics as the program proceeds.
What is the goal of this training?
At the end of this program, participants will have a better understand the dynamics of domestic violence and the effects the epidemic has on children, families, and the community at large. The program aims toward teaching individuals how to appropriately respond to victims impacted by domestic violence, and how to perform and develop a safety plan when working with victims.

Who should attend this training?
All community professionals are welcome to attend this training program. This program is appropriate and recommended for individuals working in the following fields:
- Healthcare
- Law Enforcement
- Education
- Social/Human Services
- Mental Health
- Substance Abuse
- Domestic Violence
- Child Protection
- Human Resources
- Employee Assistance Programs

What is the cost of this training program?
While training for volunteers is free (click here to view the volunteer page), the 40-hour training for non-volunteer positions is $150 for the entire course and certification.
When is the next training?
The 40-hour training programs are held twice a year - in the Spring and the Fall (typically in April and September).